Our Mission

As you are going, make Christ like Disciples who love God, love others, love self and serve the world.

We value a Personal Relationship with Jesus. Therefore, we encourage to receive God's forgiveness for their sins and allow Jesus to come live in their hearts. We also strive to grow in our relationship with Jesus through Prayer, Bible Study, and Worship, which helps us to surrender our lives to Jesus and live a Holy Life in the power and control of the Spirit. 

We value genuine Christian Community. Therefore, we are committed to Knowing, Loving, and Valuing each other. We also are committed to providing meaningful classes and service opportunities that minister to and incorporate Children, Youth, Adults, and Sr. Adults in order to help them develop in their individual lives and the Community as a whole. 

We value Missions on the Local and Global levels. Therefore, we join God in sharing the Gospel through Evangelism, Discipleship, and continually Sharing the Love of Jesus in Practical Ways with those who are in need. 

We value inspirational Personal and Corporate Worship. Therefore, we will incorporate Spiritual Music (of many varieties), Prayer Which Seeks God and His desire for our lives, and Preaching that begins with Truth of the Bible and then shows how that Truth applies to our lives and our world. 

We value faithful Stewardship of all the resources God has blessed us with. Therefore, we will strive to honor God with our Finances, Facilities, Time and Talents. Each of these should be used as God directs and in such a way that God Receives the Glory

We value Ministry Excellence. Therefore, we seek to honor God by giving Him our best in all we do. We commit ourselves to unity, quality, and faithfulness.