
As you enter the church building, you should be met with warm smiles and friendly handshakes. Bulletins, and all other similar documents will be given to you as you enter the sanctuary. They can also be found at our information center, which is at the other end of our lobby. If you come for Sunday School, you'll find our adult classes down the first hall to your right. Children's classes are found in the second hallway. 

What if I'm not Nazarene?

Not a problem! We are committed to the Church of the Nazarene's Wesleyan/Holiness tradition, but we know we are not the only church. We affirm that God moves and works through God's whole body, not just us! (That's Amazing!) The Church is a broad body, of which we are simply one part. Everyone is welcome to join us here at PayNaz!

Does it matter what I wear?

Absolutely not! You'll find people dressed in all different ways at PayNaz. It ranges from suits to shorts, you'll find it all here. 

What about my children? 

If you have young children (3 and under) who require nursery care, walk through our lobby to the second hallway to the right. You'll find the nursery almost immediately on your left once you enter the hallway. Our greeters will be glad to help show you the way! Older children are invited to join us in worship, since our worship service is family based. About 30 minutes into the service, after we are finished worshiping in song, we will have children's sermon, and then they will be dismissed to their own worship experience. If you have any questions about this please let us know! 


We, as part of the body of Christ, participate in the Communion meal monthly. The Communion meal (also called the Lord's Supper) is one that our Lord and Savior Himself ordained and asked us to re-enact. We welcome all to the table who believe in Jesus. Those on the journey of faith, including those taking their first steps in faith, are welcome and encouraged to participate. If do not wish to participate simply just allow the elements to pass by.